this is suppose to be a FPS, why is it being diluted with vehicle spam
-make specific modes where vehicles are not allowed and allowed so we can truely try to believe this game is a FPS
-hit detection is crap
-aim assist, give us the option to turn it off
-make it so there's always at least 2 different default areas to spawn from to eliminate spawn camping
-sniping is a joke, the best sniping guns and lvl 5 skills have a T3 clip, T3 reload, T2 fire rate, T1 damage and a range of a sub machine gun(the range and clip size are the biggest issue). i'm not saying buff it, i'm honestly saying to get rid of the entire class and i say that for many reasons. there's not ONE mode where a sniper can truely benefit for being a 'sniper'. now i would go on on this subject, but since the sniping class is broke in all the worst ways, (which ultimately is a good thing) i'll just there about it
-fix crosshairs glitch
-fix gaps in the map where you're pinned in places you can't get out of
-fix bad comms (i've heard some pretty narly derogatory comments flung at me many games on the enemy side lol)
-add groups, clans, alliances, corps
-let us have a skill book that lets us swap gear faster, call it "swap speed" i'm tired of waiting a decade to switch to other items in the heat of battle. this also becomes tedious if you have a lvl 5 protosuit because you get more things
-let us have the option to have "clutter" on our screen if we wish, as in toggle the chervon signs on of people, mainly your own allies to be permanent; lasting through the whole game
-make a punishing respec
-make a time limit/cap for air vehicles so it isn't abused
-add friendly fire.. but everyone will hate it
-fix the multiple friendly dropships squishing allies through the map (i've died too many times to this)
-add a 100 vs 100 mode
-add prone and paratrooper spawns *kidding.....*
oh edit: also add some targets in the war barge, or let us dance or something fun or goofy
gosh, i think i've just regurgitated what MAG is

also in eve, you could change out projectile ammo that were more effective to other types of ships, why not let assault rifles have ammo that deal a little more damage to vehicles and can be changed out when reloading. or maybe ammo that gives better range etc. dat emp s
no sniper fan boys allowed, you know it's bad, you know... it's a joke. come out of the tent and admit the truth